Hi again - I spent a few hours recently going over a 2013, 2120. Due to concerns about a notched transom, I had previously ruled this boat out in my search. After a lot of time looking at this boat, I REALLY liked it. Nice visibility seated, no canvass, easy and safe to get to the bow for on and off my mooring, nice layout and because it seems to sit lower than some PH boats, at 5' 8", I can reach everything !
The hull looks like a very nice compromise for the fishing that I do and the size makes a lot of sense for me due to usual POB of 1-3 people fishing.
I have spent hours reading comments about the +/- of notched vs full transom on this great site and it seems that owners who have a 2120 find the boat to be safe in moderate sea conditions.
Generally most of my fishing is drifting 10-20 miles off the beach out of Gloucester for cod, haddock and occasional school tuna. I need a boat that can handle a 2-3 foot sea as I rarely want to fish in rougher conditions (been there done that).
It looks to me as though this boat should work well for me and also be able to get me home when it gets too sloppy to enjoy fishing.
It also looks as though the splash guard on the newer models may hinder water trying to drain from the deck but also help to keep water from reaching the deck from the splash well.
I will greatly appreciate hearing from 2120 owners about their experience and also from anyone who may know about any differences between older and late model 2120 boats.......if there are any differences re water on deck ?
Many thanks guys !
The hull looks like a very nice compromise for the fishing that I do and the size makes a lot of sense for me due to usual POB of 1-3 people fishing.
I have spent hours reading comments about the +/- of notched vs full transom on this great site and it seems that owners who have a 2120 find the boat to be safe in moderate sea conditions.
Generally most of my fishing is drifting 10-20 miles off the beach out of Gloucester for cod, haddock and occasional school tuna. I need a boat that can handle a 2-3 foot sea as I rarely want to fish in rougher conditions (been there done that).
It looks to me as though this boat should work well for me and also be able to get me home when it gets too sloppy to enjoy fishing.
It also looks as though the splash guard on the newer models may hinder water trying to drain from the deck but also help to keep water from reaching the deck from the splash well.
I will greatly appreciate hearing from 2120 owners about their experience and also from anyone who may know about any differences between older and late model 2120 boats.......if there are any differences re water on deck ?
Many thanks guys !