23 SE trailer bunk setup question

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Aug 16, 2019
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I just bought a new 2023 23SE. It was a great deal, but I had to travel to Florida to get it. In an effort to maintain a relationship with my local Parker dealer, I purchased the trailer from him.
We roughed it in in Florida, and I am fine tuning it now. I lowered the target bunks to barely touching, and lowered the winch to be at the bow eye. Tongue weight is 365 pounds when level.
Would one of you fine folks please snap a pic or describe where the load bearing bunks are located? Right now, mine are just toward (2") the centerline from the downfacing recessed trim tab edge, but 2inches outboard of the single strake on each side. It seems like such a small margin of error, and it would be really easy for the trim tab edge to end up on the bunk.
I thought about putting the bunk in the middle of the tab, but just too many variables for that, specifically forgetting to tab up before trailering, tabbing down in the driveway or the auto retract failing.
Way inboard is safer, but is naturally less stable.
How are your bunks set up?
Thank you.