2520 cabin wall covering-conditon???

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2013
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In looking at 2520s from 1994 up to 2000 vintage I note the material lining the interior of the walls of the cabin leaves a lot to be desired. Discolored, and in one case when I ran my hand over it the results was a "shower" of fine particles of material. The discolor appears to be from leaks and/or mildew. Also, any hardware, like bolt heads, or nuts that were visible were rusty. Didn't they use stainless on that hardware? Do they all leak. Will this be pretty much the standard on the older Parkers of the described vintage? Maybe I am spoiled by the smooth fiberglass and vinyl material of other boats. Thanks
Owner neglect ... the frp has chalked severely and no one EVER ventilated the cabin. As with all builders but Cabo, most marine makers are using 304 SS, which will form a rust coating. In fact, all stainless steel will corrode if/when the O2 oxide layer is compromised. 316L is far superior, as it is passivated which pretty muck keeps the oxide layer intact, but in hardware prices it is 2X the price IF you can find it.

All of that is correctable ... just your time, so account for it.
fighterpilot":3onxuv1a said:
In looking at 2520s from 1994 up to 2000 vintage I note the material lining the interior of the walls of the cabin leaves a lot to be desired. Discolored, and in one case when I ran my hand over it the results was a "shower" of fine particles of material. The discolor appears to be from leaks and/or mildew. Also, any hardware, like bolt heads, or nuts that were visible were rusty. Didn't they use stainless on that hardware? Do they all leak. Will this be pretty much the standard on the older Parkers of the described vintage? Maybe I am spoiled by the smooth fiberglass and vinyl material of other boats. Thanks

The "carpet" in my '99 2520 is as you describe. The stains are actually the glue bleeding through. They don't use a high end berber. LOL
If I had the energy, I'd just remove it, but removing the glue would be darn near impossible I think without some harsh chemical, dealing with the smell and some serious elbow grease.
The covering in our cabin was completely removed and there is zero evidence of it ever being there. The only time i miss it is overnighting with waves slapping the bow.

As far as the hardware, i can second Dale's claim. i put clear silicone around every penetration once a year after i use Sno-Bol to clean off the rust stain. As an old timer once told me "Stainless does not mean it doesn't stain, it just stains less."
good luck.
fighterpilot":o1qwjk1j said:
In looking at 2520s from 1994 up to 2000 vintage I note the material lining the interior of the walls of the cabin leaves a lot to be desired. Discolored, .....

I have a vintage 2000 2520 MV and part of every Spring opening and fit-up is hitting the stains with a Spritz of Resolve Carpet Cleaner.

Like Tim says, it's the glue bleeding through. No Biggie. Resolve makes the stains disappear, and I don't see them again until next Spring when she wakes up from her long Winter lay-up. :)

Im glad the previous owner of my boat didn't order the rug in the PH when he ordered the boat. For noise up in the V berth I put rug on the side walls that is removable for the winter.
Its easy to clean the entire pilot house in the spring with bleach and water, and then maintain it in the summer with Lysol wipes.


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