2520 motor tilt and trim tab question

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Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
San Diego
Hey there all, just got my trim tabs working on my 2520 with twin Honda 130's and have a question. Where should my motors be tilted when doing long runs, for fuel economy and responsiveness of the tabs, thanks. My runs are usually in moderate seas for minimum of 50 mile round trips. Thanks for the advice!
What worked best for me was the engine trimmed at neutral and use only the tabs to control the boat attitude.
I found the tabs much more effective than engine trim.
I trim the tabs for the sea state, then trim the OB out 'till she almost blows out then down a touch. In quartering seas, I raise the weather side out of the slop/chop and appreciate another 5-10% improvement in fuel economy.
A Fuel flow meter will correctly answer that question.

That is what you use to tweak all your settings. No one can tell you where to exactly set them on the internet. you run the boat and watch the meter while adjusting.