Alright its finally finished. Foldable buggy top built by Bluewater Towers in Boynton Beach. Options on it are Helm with Aluminum 13" Wheel, Yamaha 704 Dual Binnacle, Trim tab switch, Command Mic, Start stop and kill switch, Remote control for the CMD 5, Poly Planar 6 x 9's, and the Garmin 4208 networked into the 4212 inside the cabin. Also hooked up the NMEA 2000 chord to the Commandlink Guages so that i have all engine information on the tower along with fuel burn and range and all that. Probably the best 40 bucks i spent for the wire. Well worth it if you have the option. Hopefully i will have some pictures of it on the water soon. We are planning another island run here in the next few weeks.