46 CFR Part 7 question

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Lewes, DE
Folks... I recently spent time in the Minnesota (US-Canada) Boundary waters and I have a question for filling out my Sea Service form that I cannot find online.

When I search 46 CFR Part 7, I get all of the information for the east, west, and gulf coast boundaries, but nothing regarding inland lakes and rivers.
We spent 2 days on Lake Superior (that part is easy), but then went west to Ely, MN where we boarded 3 boats provided by the outfitter which eventually landed us at a camp site on an island in Basswood Lake. From our campsite we could see Canada it was so close...

Since the Sea Service form only has boxes for "shoreward of the boundary line" which I'm guessing is inshore or nearshore, or "seaward of the boundary line" which I guess would be offshore, where do inland lakes and rivers come in on the form?

Would simply listing the bodies of water in Section 1 be sufficient, and leave the 46 CFR Part 7 questions blank?

BTW - Fishing in the BWCAW was awesome. Walleye to 20", Northern Pike to 33" (throw-back as it was in the slot), Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass, Rock Bass, and Yellow Perch were all fun to catch. We caught plenty of fish for a fresh catch dinner our last night in camp.

The big Northern was caught on a 7' St Croix 3-piece travel rod with a Shimano Stradic 3000FI spooled with braid and a steel leader, and a #4 Mepps with the barbs crushed and one hook cut off. The fish made a half dozen runs and almost didn't fit our net. :)
Megabyte":2te1w1fh said:
From our campsite we could see Canada it was so close...
That's nothing ...

Sounds like the fishing was pretty good! And not surprised at all that a Mepps spinner took that fish!
Before we went to "Pike Alley", the guide told us that he would suggest we rig a Mepps...
MJ, her mom, and dad were in the 14' boat. The guide, MJ's sister, her friend and I were in the 16.

I had given my FIL a #2, a #3, and an identical #4 Mepps to what I was using, but he was being stubborn.
He is 'the lake fisherman' and refused to try the Mepps even though I was hammering fish left and right.

I easily caught 50 fish before we broke for lunch. It's one of the reasons I crushed the barbs and removed a hook.
Easier to release the fish at the boat.

Everyone in my boat was catching because we were all using Mepps spinners.
I think MJ got 6 fish. Her mom and dad got none. :shock:

Pops wasn't happy the 'saltwater guy from out east' schooled him that day.
To make matters worse, I got the biggest Walleye too.

It was a good trip for me.
Sometimes just enjoying catching is better than targeting a single species, and getting skunked. :D