5th Annual Chesapeake Rendezvous for 2010

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Lewes, DE
My apologies in advance for the cross-post, but I'm not sure how many people visit the "Regional Rendezvous" area, or use the "new since last login" feature.


The fifth annual ClassicParker Annapolis Rendezvous date has been set!

Saturday August 14th 2010 is the day, from 1100 until ?... so, mark your calendars and pray for light winds and fair weather... again! 8)

August 14th is the second Saturday of the month, so our Rendezvous will not conflict with the annual Tri-State Parker -vs- Grady fishing tournament this year.
The Tri-State event is being held on the Saturday prior to our event.

The place: Inside of Ridout Creek, off of Whitehall Creek near Greenbury Point and the Chesapeake Bay.

Last year we were anchored in Whitehall Creek just opposite the mouth of Ridout Creek.
By going up into Ridout this year, we will be protected, and all of Ridout is a 6kt zone (no more ski wakes!).

http://www.lat-long.com/Latitude-Longit ... Creek.html

The occasion will be casual, so bring your grill, your cooler, your water toys, and your family... and enjoy a laid-back day floating on a quiet Chesapeake Bay tributary with our old and new ClassicParker friends! :D