A parker HIN??

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2013
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PXMLH245H697. 697 would that be mfg. date June 1997 I believe. What is the H in front of it. 245 would be the sequence number that year??. What does PXMLH tell me? It is a 25 Parker, I guess standard sport cabin, modified V.

Next issue. It lists to starboard both dead in the water and running. I know the helm and bait well (empty) is on that side, but is that enough weight difference to cause it to lists with there being a difference of 2 to 3 inches from one side to the other? Trim tabs weren't working so couldn't play with them but the lists is while tied up at the dock. Fuel tank just about empty. No other gear on the boat. Water logged on that side comes to mind. If I pursue it will get surveyor to check it out. 2001, 250 xl efi on low side. 2003 250 cxl on high side. Believe the 2003 250 CXL on port side weights a few pounds more than 2001 XL EFI on low side, so that mitigates list which would be even more if the engines weighed the same. Modified V.

Port engine won't idle and when turned up tach indicates 300-400 rpm lower than starboard tach. Tach error, dead cylinder, or is there a high pressure fuel pump that may not be working correctly???

One more question. Didn't find a people carrying number or Hp max decal on the boat. Shouldn't there be one. What would the HP limit be. Are twin 250s on that boat too much HP to be legal? Thanks
fighterpilot":1fnmp5d9 said:
One more question. Didn't find a people carrying number or Hp max decal on the boat. Shouldn't there be one. What would the HP limit be. Are twin 250s on that boat too much HP to be legal? Thanks

My 2520 MVSC is a 1996 model and max suggested horsepower is 335.
I'm powering with a single 225 OX66 and have seen 34 kts at WOT in flat water with 4 aboard and 100 gals of fuel.

Keep in mind that boats used for public safety and commercial use can exceed the recommended horsepower without penalty.
It's not illegal to do so, though some insurance companies (but not all) frown on it in private use.

Look at the bottom of the boat.
If it has a single lifting strake, it's an MV hull.
If it has two lifting strakes, it's a DV hull. DV hulls are rated for more horsepower.

Look at the specs here:
Thanks for the replys. Parker link for their new boats shows 450HP so suspect for a 1997 Parker, standard pilot house, two 250s is too much HP to be legal for pleasure boat use. Guess could buy the boat, take one off for parts and remount the other as a single.
I believe H697 would be translated to the hull coming out of the mold in Aug 1996 to be a model year '97. H being the 8th letter of the alphabet and August being the 8th month. At least that's how the HIN on my '99 was translated for me by the dealer.