fyi a message from Nick
Nick from INTERSTATE here. Im glad you like your wabasto, they are great units. YES we use to carry espar and I still can get them, but we use to buy them 5-10 pallets at a time to keep cost down. Espar D2 kits from me now are around $1050-1150 plus shipping for the complete kit. We starting carrying wabastos due to more OEM's using them, same quality, better price to you my customers.
Our kits are for semi's with huge bunks. They are considered ON-road kits. The only difference i found between the marine was marine came with a through hull fitting, full stainless hardware and a marine decal and 3 times the price. Last year I sold probally 75 or more to boat owners like yourself who bought a hull fitting, a 2.5 gal plastic tank and $100 worth of stuff to install into a boat. The complaints I got, ZERO!!!!! I sold more...
I carry Both wabasto and espars and service parts. I just can not get marine parts as for thats for marine dealers only. But i can offer you tech support, good pricing, fast shipping and friendly service. But please ask for me, the other parts guys will tell you NOT FOR MARINE USE. But since I am the ESPAR/WABASTO guy come to me anyways as for I am the one who knows most about them. WE SELL WHAT WE INSTALL.
Thank you for the support. If you guys have any questions, Please contact me direct at work @ 563-508-0908 or shoot me a email @
[email protected]
I also can get different size units, and we also carry engine heaters and combo kits. A cab heater and a engine heater combo that draw off 1 tank.Keeps your engine hot all of the time, and toasty in the cab....
thank you