Anyone haul gasoline to their boat?

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2013
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Wonder if anyone hauls their own gasoline to their boat at their dock? I'm talking about 100 gal. at a time. If so how do you do it? Equipment, tanks, pump, process etc. We haul our diesel. Have it delivered by truck to a tank and than we transfer as needed to a 100 gal. tank on a trailer and deliver to our boat at our dock. However, I know gasoline is a different challenge. Thanks
I Know this isn't the type of reply you are looking for because of the quantities involved, but I have a great setup with my 1700 which involves a six gallon can with a spout bend that allows me to just lay it on the gunnel until mostly drained and the six gallon quantity lets me add a one pint container of 2 stroke oil for my Yamaha 85!
We do using 8 5 gal containers and a purchase E0 gas from a close by gas station
We have a yard cart with pneumatic tires from Menards ex see ... 1411022786 and haul gas from vehicle to the dock.
For filling, we use Mr Fuel Filter funnel and pour one container at a time and add Ring Free works best for us

I cut off the spring loaded safety nozzle and added a vent to each plastic can but prefer the old metal gas cans better

We trying using a siphon and a small ladder to hold the can but it was so slow.

For safety , we kept a hose ready to go from the home and two fire extinguishers.

After 4 yrs of doing this, I like fuel docks better
FWIW my bros and I have been fueling up with (4) 5-gallon cans each for over 20-years now, at least w/ the big boats.

We used to run 11 OBs a season, but I think we're up to 12 now ...
My method, using multiple 5 gallon containers is to sit them on the gunnel or the dock pending tide height. I use one of the old Ker o Sun squeeze bulb transfer pumps that you can get as a replacement for the old kerosene heaters. Added some extensions to the hoses and squeeze the bulb 2-3 times. Start the flow and go about whatever till the can is empty. Usually do 5 cans per fill. Have been doing this for about 10 years..... Hint , cut small notches in the end of the suction hose and tilt the can so it can pull all the gas from container. Use hardware store grade extension hose that is sort of clear and has string in it, it won't get hard and stiff. Use a clear type on the discharge side, no clamps are needed.
PS.... DO NOT USE a battery driven pump !!!!!!!!! :idea:
If I fueled at the nearest fuel stop when I come in from the Gulf it is 24 miles to get home--than 24 miles to get back to the Gulf for the next trip and get in line again to take on fuel either going out or coming back. Not going to do that. Will find the best and safest way to fuel boat at our family dock, and I don't believe that would be with 100 gal. of gasoline in 5 gal. cans.

In my search I have found DOT approved fuel transfer tanks and believe that is the foundation for a system. Also found gasoline fuel pumps, and gasoline, DC powered, hose reels. Anyway, thought I would give this forum a shout to see how others do it. Thanks
... buy a boat with a 4-stroke and get 40% better mileage from the start!
DaleH, I would like to do that, a Suzuki would be fine and compared to those twin 200 carbed rudes I once had it would be night and day-two carbed 2 strokes to one 4 stroke. Thanks.
In my part of the country they haul to 500 gal. tanks but not going to haul 90-100 gal to my boat tank. I'm going to have to do that myself. Thanks for the suggestion.
Thank you for making me feel normal!! I also bring fuel to my boat using 4 5gal tanks. Its a pain in the ass but considering the price of fuel at the dock, I'll gladly save the $$$ and spend it on lures. In annapolis (yesterday) gas at the dock was 4.14 and fuel at the gas station on the way to my boat was 3.34. I try to keep her full so I'm really just replacing what I burned during the trip. Usually 20-25 gal.

I love my Parker!
I have a Flo n’go 14-Gallon fuel transfer tank. What a PITA, it takes three hands to use it. One to operate the nozzle, one to support the hose to keep it from kinking at the nozzle and one to keep the hose from kinking at the tank. If everyone holds the hose just right, you can achieve close to ONE GPM, flow rate. (Takes forever to empty the tank) Finally bought a new fuel hose, another $30, and now it works better, only leaks at the hose/tank connection. BTW I bought it at COSTCO, for about $70 a few years ago. With the new hose, I can transfer 10 gallons in about 2 minutes, gravity feed, so other then the gasoline leak, it works. I would NOT recommend this POS

FWIW I times my 5-gal cans and I can drain them without spillage in ~35-seconds. They are the new type, sold for ~$10 @ Ocean State Job Lot. They drain FAST and have a comfortable handle and a wide mouth to boot! I use a tall black auto-type funnel (5-6" across at the widest) placed in red 10" wide funnel, as a catch for splashes. All funnels from WallyWorld. They make the fill-ups fast!

Just make sure to wash your hands before going fishing or touching fishing gear ...