Best place for net holder

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I have seen nets carried up in the rocket launchers, but I generally carry mine tucked under my washboard.
I guess it depends on what size net you carry.
I just lay my net on the roof of the pilothouse with the handle under the rocket launcher. When running I use a bungee to hold the net in place. When fishing, the handle lays on top of the launcher for easy access.
I have a rod holder mounted on the rail that starts by the rear of the cabin and goes tot he bow (actually a rod holder on each side). I put the net in the rod holder. Most boats I see on the Ches Bay have the net in a rod holder (mostly the rocket launchers on the top of the cabin).


I have a 2520XL, I store the net in the cabin when not out fishing or not using the boat. When fishing I lay the head of the net between the railing and the pilot house and then to secure the net I put the handle behind the grab rail that is located between the rear of the window and the rear of the pilot house, i.e. on the side of the pilot house.
On the port railing, never falls out, always at the ready.

Thanks for the info, I like that on the railing it will make it quick when I have to net a big king salmon on Ontario :) Sean