Boat name removal

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Feb 28, 2009
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I want to rename my parker but first must remove the previous owners work. Looks like it is just vinyl letters. I didn't try yet but it looks like I just find the edge and peeloff. Any tips from someone who has been there? Heat? Paint scraper? Also I changed the registration numbers and there is a residue leftover, soap and wax did nothing to remove it anyone know of a mild solvent that might help.
I always warm old letters with a heat gun on low or a hairdryer - warm so it peels, not hot so it tears ;) . Best residue remover bar none is good ol' naptha, $1.50 bottle Ronson lighter fluid. FYI, I use it to clean bearings and target firearms trigger mechanisms as it cleans without leaving any residue.

"Sun spotting" where letters used to be can only be remedied with compounding or careful wet-sanding, at least IMHO, like when polishing doesn't work.
I had good luck with this stuff called goo gone. Home depot sells. It took the sticky residue right off.

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