considering buying a 1991 18' Parker

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oh and the seller is asking $7000 with relatively new small garmin ff/cp and a 2004 suzuki 140 ,4X?
Good luck. I've just recently purchased a 1991 Parker 2110 and I am having a hell of a time finding information on this boat. Parker provided me with a layout sketch (very basic) and best I can tell, it's not for the exact model I have. I can see some differences. More imporantly, it doesn't label things or provide much detail. In other words, it's a pretty sketch but doesn't give me much information.

In talking with Parker, there was apaprently some kind of system crash years ago in which a lot of older information was lost. So finding older model information is tough. They also stressed that the boat themselves were highly customizable so they never produced a so-called "owners manual" for reference.

If you have any luck finding information - please let me know. I asked for ANY information on my particular boat and didn't get much of anything. It just wasn't available.