E Tec 115 on a Parker 1801

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Dec 12, 2007
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I decided to bite the bullet and go for a new Etec an my used Parker 1801. Anyone running one of these on their rig? If so, was wondering what kind of speed your getting out of this. Considered the 150, but after researching, decided the extra 4 grand wasn't worth it as the 115 seems plenty for this hull. Just like to hear how you guys make out with the 115. Thanks.
Don't know of anyone who has this combination, but an Etec 115 on that boat should be awesome power. :)

Please give us a report on how she performs... 8)
Thanks for the response Kevin...Going through a complete makeover, but will Post as soon as she's wet. Gman
I've got a 115 E-Tec on a Seaswirl 1850 W/A. Perfect motor for me.

Running a stock BRP 15 X 17 aluminum 3 blade I've seen her almost touch 38mph on the GPS - overall we get about 5 mpg.

I've tried 13 different props...so far the one above is the best...although the 17p (stainless) Viper is a little faster.
Thanks for the shout, Nick. I'll be going w/ the 15X17 also. Our boats are similar in weight so that number makes me real happy. The Viper, is it a 15x17 also? Why is the aluminum the best if the Viper gives a little more on the top end? Price/hole shot? Thanks.
I would think the 1801 will top out over 40 mph with the 115 etec. I can get mine up to 39 with the 115 yammy 4 stroke trimmed out.
The stainless 3 blade Viper is 14 3/4 X 17. While it was the fastest, I'm more interested in slow speed maneuvering, reverse effectiveness and cruising mpg.

The stainless 3 blade Rebel 15 3/4 X 15 is real good, maybe better than the aluminum 15 X 17 but 'slips' under hard midrange throttle...something the bass guys like, to get the R's up, but I like a good solid bite.

Here's a comparison of the smaller Viper blade to Rebel - both stainless:
Croixboy":po6disqd said:
I would think the 1801 will top out over 40 mph with the 115 etec. I can get mine up to 39 with the 115 yammy 4 stroke trimmed out.

I think so too. I have a generator, air conditioner, freshwater tank, grill, coffee maker, and a weeks worth of food and beer aboard when I go out.

http://www.geocities.com/jeff_nicholas/ ... /Air1.html
Thanks for all the replies. I called the dealer today and told 'em to hold off on the prop while I research. But I guess I'll have the 15x17 Aluminum put on and see how that pans out. Nick, your boat I believe has a 19 degree deadrise while mine is at 14 degrees. I don't know how much that will come into play. Want to make the right call on this one from the start, but I see it's not always that easy. I really don't fish around rocks enough to make it an issue, but always heard the stainless give you a little more than the alum. Have to pull the trigger on this one by the weekend. Thanks for the feedback.