extra wiring in bilge

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Jun 17, 2008
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I have a 21se, There are extra wires in the bilge that aren't conected to anything. What are they for?
If you are talking about extra wiring that is in the factory harness, it seems that Parker builds the harness for all options that might be available in a model series. So that would account for extra wires in the factory harness in the bilge and behind the dash. To illustrate what I mean, here is a link to another post where I posted a wiring diagram for a 2520. It shows wiring for blowers and pumps that are not in my boat. This simplifies manufacturing processes.

hope this helps
Boy, I sure hope they're sealed off! Otherwise corrosion could travel up them and get to the source, sooner or later ...
On closer inspection on my boat the extra wires were actually labeled. One set was washdown, one was bildge, one was baitwell and one set was accessory.......came in real handy when I installed the extra bilge pump, washdown pump, baitwell pump, and a light in the bilge.

Where were these wires labeled? Was it written on the wire itself?
Labeled in the bundle or what? I too have a bundle of wires attached to the transom in the rear bilge and some appear to be "extra". Never really dove in there to investigate.

Jim and all, you might also e-mail Parker and ask for a wiring diagram for your serial number. They are really great people in Beaufort, and have been very helpful to us here on Classic Parker.

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