Finished Rigging 23DVCC

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2011
Reaction score
Tarboro, NC Straits, NC
Finally finished electronics install and rigging the outriggers. Now for some warmer water and calm seas.



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windknotnc":3m1kahwm said:
Finally finished electronics install and rigging the outriggers. Now for some warmer water and calm seas.

Mid 50's here today with winds out of the SSE at 25 kts.
I'm getting real tired of this wind.
I hear ya...thought there was going to be a window this weekend but it blew E 15-20 through last night and I had to leave the beach at noon today for an Eagle Scout ceremony. Will try it again next weekend. Water is still cold here in Eastern NC too.
have had a few parkers steering wheel was on right or starboard side of console, was it an option? tinman 23 wa bel air md.
Looks really clean. Love that integrated t top light. What you you use those teaser reels for mounted in the underside of the top? Also is that electronics box originally from Parker or did you add that?
We have 18' outriggers and run 2 lines off each side and a set of teasers on the second ring on each rigger. The top was made by Gore Tops in Wilmington and the top electronics box came on it. I am guessing it was added later as I did not think Gore built Parker tops,. but I may be mistaken. Anyone know?
Wow! Looks great! What year is your boat? I have a 2000 23DVCC with that same Gore T-top. I can see on my console that it was originally built with only a standard windshield. I thought mine was a one-off version! I get a lot of compliments on it. I am tall (6'4") and it has plenty of clearance, unlike my buddy's Regulator 23 where I constantly bang my forehead!

Incidentally, I bought my boat in NC and had it towed up to Mass. The broker set that up for me. When it showed up, it was Mr Gore who delivered it! He told me all about the challenges bending those tubes and how many they discarded while practicing.

I love the idea of having the steaming light on top rather than the stern. Also, was going to put in outriggers this year. What brand did you go with? Did you need to replace your canvas top with all the work done?

Lots of questions, I know!

Also, the two rod holders on top that are angled outward are GREAT for trolling for stripers or blues! Poor man's outriggers!
Mine is also 2000 model. I have Taco 370's and had my local welder put 1/2" plates so I mount the outriggers. He cut me the 1/2 plate and I took it back to my shop to fit and drill the holes. I did put a new canvas on a couple weeks ago. I sent my old one to Dave at A-Team Marine in Titusville, FL and he duplicated it just like original for $259. I also like the head room. I put the mast head light on last week because the stern light is in the way. The two outside rod holders are designed for live bait king fishing. Most NC tops are built this way.
Sorry, two more quick questions...

First, my top already has aluminum plates where the outriggers would be fitted. Did yours have those and you simply beefed them up, or did you need to install from scratch?

Second, what is the purpose of the horizontal bar hanging from the top just behind the console? Hand grip? Mine doesn't have that.

Yes, I heard that the rod holders were for fishing kings, but they work great in northern climes as well. I've put tuna rods up there (although it can be a challenge to get them down when there is an angry bluefin taking drag!).

No mine only had the oval tube crossbars. I also wanted 1/2" and a full plate welded on 3 sides and to the frame. The bar is a 20" fluorescent cockpit light. I am going to replace the bulb with LED's when I find the right configuration.