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Keith FDNY

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
New York
Hello all well to the senior guys on here,i have drilled out hole in between the rod holders on the gunnels to recess drink holders now that i have drilled these holes i can see the wood that parkers are made of do i have to put anything on it so it does not rot or is it fine as is?Thank you guys/Ladies on this!!!!
Put thinned epoxy on all exposed wood surfaces, and then when it get tacky, coat it with regular epoxy.

BTW, Parker cuts the wood for the decks into pieces...like a puzzle. Each piece gets drenched in resin when it is put in place. Because of the resin between pieces, if one piece ever gets wet and rots, it will not migrate to the pieces next door. Saw that at the factory tour. When I saw that, I though...what an amazing idea. It is the little things that Parker does that impresses me.

My only complaint was the lack of an Owner's Manual. Now that we have CP, we have corrected that. :D :D :D
You need to seal the wood with a thin epoxy, let it soak into the wood. Then do over again. Finish with some thick epoxy and seal with a good caulk like 4200.
Dale did a real good post with pics about sealing properly, do a search.
The epoxy i can get it at any marine store correct?or can i just use a gelcoat in a lite coat?I dont want to make a mess or make it a big job!!well now that you said with the epoxy or if gelcoat i have to make hole bigger cause when it hardens it will shrink the hole correct?
NO! You cannot use gelcoat to seal the core. Believe it or not, gelcoat is not completely impermeable to water. The plywood would eventually absorb water through the gelcoat. You must use the epoxy.
Thanks Grouper i am on way to get some epoxy now at marine store if they have it,if not i will goto west marine tomm. to get some!!!

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