Help/advice installing radome

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2006
Reaction score
I will be installing a 2kw 18" raymarine radome on my 2009 2520. I did a search but did not see exactly what I was looking for. My questions are:

1. Mount on a stand with a 4 degree tilt or on the visor on the hardtop with no stand ? (has no issues visor mounted on my 2005 2520?)
2. If I use a stand what hight ? tilt ? I was thinking either a 2" or 3" with 4 degree tilt.
3. where would you recommend the placement of the dome be ? foward ? center? (i like the look more foward)
4. what is the NEATEST way to run/hide the wire to the dome ? (kinda a neat freak) radar is flush mounted to dash

Thanks all for your advice !!
You could see the way I have mine mounted, but I think the way Primo has done his looks the best.

Brian, I like yours. How did you run the cable ?
It was on the boat when I bought it, but I did modify the installation extensively.

In this pic you can see the cables coming down between the windows wrapped in black spiral wrap and secured to the window screws.

I mounted mine on the front edge of the hardtop. The 2009 should have a cable chase across the ceiling. You can run the wires down the side to the console.

I love the mount towards the rear. Very nice looking!
I installed the same system on my 2310. You will see i used a higher extension, but felt it necessary due to my life raft. I ran the cable through my electronics box that is center forward mounted on the ceiling and then routed the wires down through the forward starboard stanchion which is hollow and i designed the hard top to have it for wiring to get down into the cabin and under the console. If you need any more photos, let me know and i will go take some photos. Also the solar panel is removed prior to departure.