1st off want to say this a great site and have been surfing all day and love the info i have found. I do also know i came across a few posts similar to mine but though i had to ask seeing my case maybe different from others.
I have recently sold my larger CC with twins and want to downsize to a a 21-23 CC.
I have always loved Parkers and think it would be a great fit. I found a few 21SE and just have some concerns that it will be OK for me in Long Island Sound. I know a lot of the fly guys and near shore guys love the SE vs DV. My only concern is the SE going to be a wet soaker? I had an old shamrock a few boats ago that was always wet and don't want a repeat of that again. I also see the SE will be more efficient vs the DV on fuel. Are the HPDI models ok vs the 4stroke? anything i should be aware of in terms of year that construction may have changed? I have found all years from late 90s through 2000's that all got my eye.
If anyone has a feedback, good or bad please let me know.
If you can point me in the direction of a nice used model with a trailer, i am a cash buyer
thank you
1st off want to say this a great site and have been surfing all day and love the info i have found. I do also know i came across a few posts similar to mine but though i had to ask seeing my case maybe different from others.
I have recently sold my larger CC with twins and want to downsize to a a 21-23 CC.
I have always loved Parkers and think it would be a great fit. I found a few 21SE and just have some concerns that it will be OK for me in Long Island Sound. I know a lot of the fly guys and near shore guys love the SE vs DV. My only concern is the SE going to be a wet soaker? I had an old shamrock a few boats ago that was always wet and don't want a repeat of that again. I also see the SE will be more efficient vs the DV on fuel. Are the HPDI models ok vs the 4stroke? anything i should be aware of in terms of year that construction may have changed? I have found all years from late 90s through 2000's that all got my eye.
If anyone has a feedback, good or bad please let me know.
If you can point me in the direction of a nice used model with a trailer, i am a cash buyer
thank you