How to find a value on a Parker?

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Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Summerville SC
Have always admired the 1801's. Might have found one but have no idea how to decide a fair value. Nada is usually a joke plus it says its used value includes an outboard but does not let you specify a brand or model.

Any idea how to find a value on a 02 1801 with a f115 yamaha?

About the only reliable way to access value is to find comps in your area.
Boat values vary wildly due to location.
East coast prices are generally less than west coast, and the further south you are, the longer the boating season.

It also helps to put your 'Location' in your profile.
South East. Been looking hard for a while and little scared to give out too many details in fear someone will snatch it from me.

The comps are my trouble. I am having a very hard time finding comps.

Check our "For Sale" area here on CP, Boat Trader, Salty Dog, Soundings and similar publications.
Thing is, Parker boats are prized and highly sought after. They don't stay on the market long.

Most are sold locally or by word of mouth, which is how I bought my 2520.
I learned of the boat from a friend of a friend and went to see it on a Saturday, and put a deposit on it on Sunday.
The boat appeared in the local paper on Monday and the owner stopped taking names and numbers when the list reached 20 interested buyers.
Moral of the story: These boats don't last long when priced correctly.

For online comps, try this link: ... =&q=parker

Good luck!
I have a 1998 1800 with a Yamaha 2 stroke 115hp engine and I paid $8,500 for it two years ago. My friend said he bought it in Florida and bought it to San Diego,CA. I know that I got a great deal on the boat because one of the guys in my fishing club had one for sale for $19,000.
I know what you mean about the nada book values, try and find a boat for sale at those values and you will have found a real bargain. One thing to keep in mind which you may already know, If the banks don't require a survey and appraisal, and on smaller loans they normally don't. They go by those values and will only lend 80% of that so sometimes you really need to come up with quite a large deposit on used boats. just thought I would throw that in to keep in mind during your negotiations. Good luck Mike
Thanks for the help.

Luckily no loan, just don't want to over pay. Might look into some type of outside appraisal.
I haven't looked for a used boat in the last 10-12 years so I'm not sure what is the best source for values. The BUC book was what the marine division of the bank I used to work for used. The lenders said the BUC values were much closer to actual values than NADA. In any case it's another source for you to look into.
from BUC

Model Year 2002 Hull Material Pro Subscribers Only
Model CENTER CONSOLE 1801 Hull Configuration Pro Subscribers Only
Length Overall 18' Draft Pro Subscribers Only
Length On Deck Beam Pro Subscribers Only
Boat Type Center Console Fisherman | Open Weight Pro Subscribers Only
Engine Type OB Ballast Pro Subscribers Only

Retail Price Range:* $8,900-$10,100 not including outboard engine

Area and condition are not represented in the price above.
Please see the vessel condition table below, to determine how condition affects market value. Area adjustments and replacement values are available with BUCValuPro.

Excellent (Bristol) Above BUC Condition BUC Condition Fair Poor Restorable
Plus 15-20% Plus 10-15% No Adjustment Necessary Minus 10-20% Minus 25-50% Minus 50-80%

* The information presented here is believed to be

The 02 sold first second day apparently. I am selling a boat and my buyer has been dragging his feet which caused me not to be in position deal. Wasn't sure it was priced right, but somebody did cause they said they would not budge but $500.

The search will continue. Guy is supposed to be here tomorrow afternoon with a stack of cash for me. I will continue to keep researching them on here and try to find what I'm looking for.
Take a look at the one that is in the buy sell forum posted by atlantic beach. That boat is a beauty. When they come up for sale they don't last long at all when priced right.