Kinda BIG NEWS! How big? About 34 feet...

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Sep 25, 2008
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For those interested...

I understand there is a rumor going around that a Parker 3420 'may possibly' be delivered to a Massachusetts dealer tomorrow... :wink: Unfortunately, she is to be birthed in an, undisclosed, hidden location.

Anyone want some pics? Will post some tomorrow evening.

After I ride her... :oops:
I was at Don's Marine in Rhode Island earlier today and my salesman told me that the 34 is supposed to be at Boston's in the water boat show next weekend. He told me they were rushing to get the boat up here for the show.

Don't blame the messenger if it's not there though. If anyone goes please take some digital pictures so they can be posted.
... tease :shock: !

You wudda thought I would get an invite, being I'm from Mass :wink: !
If it made the run up on the outside, I'd love to get a report of how she handled. This doesn't impress me as a big water boat, more of a very comfortable bay boat.

But the seas out there today are impressive on any scale.