96TL":3qu3wl1k said:
Here are the specs. This is per card. Each spreader has 2 cards (9 LEDs each).
Operating Voltage Range: 8~30 (VDC)
Current Draw @ 12 Volts DC: 190ma
Lumens: 120
Kelvin: 7000
Beam pattern: 120 degrees
So the power draw for all four units is 760ma (0.76 amps). And the total output is 480 lumens.
OK, so
per light, 240 lumens divided by 12.57 =
19 candlepower per LED spreader light.
Now, typical bulb speader lights run ~ 55 watts, but we can't readily convert candlepower to watts, as watts is an
input measurement and candlepower is an
output measurement. Meaning, one could actually have a 2-watt rated bulb that puts out the same candlepower as a 3-watt bulb, due to lots of things like efficiency, reflection, bulb type, etc.
My 12V Go-Light spotlight throws 100,000 candle power @ only 4-amps. A Jabsco spreader light, using conventional bulbs, model JAB45900-0000 4" x 6" 12-volt spreader light of 50-watts (drawing 4-amps) throws
about 9,900 candlepower.
To me, that means - 'on paper' - means the typical spreader light put out
521 times the candlepower the LED ones do. I'm sorry ... sometimes you want 'light' for
safety ... not just because it is
new, fancy dancy and uses LED technology at a low amp draw :roll: .