Live well units ? To have or not to? Questions to all who ca

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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2009
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Montauk lat 41.04'18.33N lon 71.55'33.05 W
Im getting my new /used 2006 2820 next week got twins a c80 inside w 4kw integrated radar, epirb ,stereo, pair of cheesy out rigs, 2nd station controls w a second c80 outside...bla bla bla.....

I am amazed to hear some say that they removed their live well....i use one on my current boat all the time (it has two 30 live wells) im going to pull the trigger on this 38" unit and in stall it just foward of the inspection lid of gas tanks .......I NEED FEED BACK ASAP wite or email me or call[url]

Thanks ... Bret 516-459-4150[/url]
With all the real estate on the back of the 2820, I would definitely have a center mounted tank.
I was curious because the seat looked more like a leaning post...I really like that set up big time
here is where Parker installs a livewell on the 2006 and later 2320. it is actually the leaning post/livewell out of the 1801 CC.

the over flow drain is the white Marelon thru hull to the left of the garboard drain.

in the bilge you can see the livewell white over flow drain hose with the two black zip ties on the far right side of the pic.
Great its nice to see picks and get some feedback more is welcome .....

To all who have live wells ...Always try to put the over flo thru hull .. JUST ABOVE the water line if you can, it greatly reduces the back pressure on system and makes for quick draining system plus if you accidently forget and/or turn it off u can c what u have done.. LOL

How big is groupers well? and what are the dimensions
I really like the leaning post livewell setup. Just not sure if thats a little to big for my 2120SC. Anybody install livewell on 2120 and got any advise.
Just a thought.....I have a 2520XLD. I had a Kodiak 45 gal livewell installed when I bought it. I almost exclulsively bottom fish with cut bait, and troll with artificials. I use live bait on a "part-time" basis only. I really don't need the large livewell and am considering having it removed. It works great, and keeps all the bait we ever need lively all day long.....however, I'm toying with the idea of building a "part-time" livewell like I've seen some of the other Parker guys use. The reason is, that I REALLY value the cockpit space in my boat, and think it may be even more valuable than the livewell.

Another thought.....Friends of ours have a 2820 with one of those huge livewell/seat thingys. I don't ride on it, but my wife and her bud say that it isn't very comfortable. My wife would MUCH rather ride in a folding deck chair. The proof is that she falls asleep on the long ride home in our boat sometimes, but can't sleep on the livewell/thingy without tying herself to it......she'd fall off.

Hope this helps........Good luck with your new Parker, and welcome.
Good fishing!
I have an 85 gal. twin on my 2520. Jamie on Seasons has a really nice 90 gal. twin.


If you like bait, that 90 is an awesome tank. Look for on of his posts on the fishing board and see if he has a picture. He may even have one on his web site, check it out.

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