looking for info on 1990 parker 25 sport cabin

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Dec 1, 2012
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Hey guys thanks for taking the time to read this post,i am looking for some info on my 1990 parker 25 ft sport cabin boat, when i look for this model on line all i find is pilot house models, mine is a walk around cuddy cabin and i am just wondering if there are different designations for the different types.also it has four stroke yamaha 115's that i think are newer than the hull but the build plates have become illegible over time, is there a different way to discern the year model of a yamaha 115?i am looking to sell this boat soon as i have recently purchased a 34 ft fountain and am finding myself using it more and the parker less. it is a great boat i just find myself useing the fountain more.so i am wanting to get the right model and year for the listing. i will paste a link here to a couple of pictures of the boat so you can see what model it is,i'm not sure how to post images so maybe the link will work.

https://picasaweb.google.com/mcgilltodd ... 1Mz2-96WFA
By today's model number conventions that would be a model 2510, or the 25' walk-around model. It has a mod-V (14-degree) deadrise hull.

Chech the hull ID (HIN) number at top right rear on the stern, as are you sure that is a 1990? I ask because I've never seen as early OEM bracket that wide before .... knowing it wears twin OBs, or is simply due to a transom OB bracket upgrade when the 115s were put on.

Your motors appear to be 4-stroke models, at least by eye w/ the fancier curved cowlings. Perhaps a model year info could be found by a model or serial number located under the cowl ...
is there a different way to discern the year model of a yamaha 115?

Take the cowl off and get above the power head. Search around a little and you will see a Freeze Plug. On that Freeze plug is the motor serial number. The year can be deciphered from that.
thanks for the responses guys. i will look for the serial number and find out if i can get the year model that way,
as for the hull the last two of the hull id number are 90 which is why i believe it to be a 1990 model it may very well be that the bracket was added when the 115's were added.and you are correct they are 4 strokes.
thanks again any any further info is appreaciated.