Looking for way to mount Wreck Anchor

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
Franktown, Virginia 23354
I spent a few minutes searching and couldn't find anything. Somewhere along the way I've seen PH boats with some type of mount on the bow railing for a wreck anchor. During times of heavy use I'd like to somehow have a neat bracket for the rode and chain also..... maybe something like a stainless bracket that would mount on the outside forward facing..... well what is that area called... the outside front of the berth....??????

Any and all ideas and suggestions would be appreciated.

Richard - I usually store my wreck anchor and rode in a laundry basket in the cockpit. When I deploy the anchor, I do it from the cockpit and then walk the rope to the bow to tie off. When it is time to head home, I use an anchor ball to retrieve the anchor then hand the anchor to a crew member in the pit for storage for the ride home. My "home made" wreck anchors are rather heavy as they are filled with lead. This winter I plan on coating the anchors with a rubber coating to prevent scratching on the deck.

Hope this helps.

A heavy PVC tube off a SS forward railing might hold the anchor, but I like the idea of a basket for the rode.