I know price tag is definatly going to be a deciding factor, but I can work my way around that somehow, I'll worry about that part later lol I dont like to think about it. I didnt want to overwhelm anyone with that first post so here it goes:
It's going to be a fishing boat (for the most part - they look easy to keep clean for when the wife is around) in the newburyport area, alot of offshore, probably very little up river depending on where I can find a slip, but in and out of the merrimack river mouth all the time should put some nice wear and tear on it. I can spend all day on the water too, which isnt a problem for me and the buddies, but I can imagine that being close quartered for a half day or however long could get annoying, so I guess Im basically looking for a decent amount of space in the cabin (I go out in the rain and the cold alot, its nice to be inside when underway), and a decent amount of deck space. by the way, how much of a pain in the rear is it to get up to the bow if i wanted to stick someone out there to drop a line? anybody feel unsafe to sit or stand up there? If i send my son up there will I wind up having to go swimming for him? thats the real question haha. I feel like I'm forgetting things...as far as that goes anyway. So I guess space is my factor because I could have atleast 4 people fishing, but what about sitting in slip or just cruising the river, Im wondering how many people I can fit without being elbow to elbow..
I wont go into the whole wishlist just yet, but I feel that this next bit is important - Tuna tower is close to the top of the list, I dont know if that is a deciding factor on which size I'm looking at or not