lowered the helm console in my 2120sc to fit BIG electronics

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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2013
Reaction score
New Jersey
Yes it was a pain but now I have a raymarine 14" m.f.d. in there. The deal I got on the chartplotter ($999.) justified the time I spent on the install.

Breaking the console free from the cabin on the top(just under the windshield) and side was much harder than I expected. I had hoped for screws and caulk but it was more of a strong epoxy type of bond. In any case by hammering in some big screwdrivers I finally prevailed and got it apart without any damage to the outer gel coats.
Starboard shims spaced the helm about 1 1/4 lower and then it was rescrewed back in place. Cutting down the stainless stanchion under it is no problem. Being tall this was all I could lower the helm without hitting my knees but "normal" size people probably could drop it a tad lower. If it seems like a lot of work just for the 11/4" drop you are right but that inch blocked too much of my vision so it had to be done.

I also made a new bracket for the display that positions it about 1" lower and slightly in front of the top of the console.

Prying the console free is not for the timid, there is plenty of fiberglass splitting sounds and I kept checking the outside of the cabin. But if anyone wants to lower their helm I just wanted to share my experience. All and all it took me a full day with a occasional helper. The payoff is that now my old eyes can enjoy that big, beautiful display. :D
fisheron":2wsf2tp5 said:
Yes it was a pain but now I have a raymarine 14" m.f.d. in there. The deal I got on the chartplotter ($999.) justified the time I spent on the install.

Breaking the console free from the cabin on the top(just under the windshield) and side was much harder than I expected. I had hoped for screws and caulk but it was more of a strong epoxy type of bond. In any case by hammering in some big screwdrivers I finally prevailed and got it apart without any damage to the outer gel coats.
Starboard shims spaced the helm about 1 1/4 lower and then it was rescrewed back in place. Cutting down the stainless stanchion under it is no problem. Being tall this was all I could lower the helm without hitting my knees but "normal" size people probably could drop it a tad lower. If it seems like a lot of work just for the 11/4" drop you are right but that inch blocked too much of my vision so it had to be done.

I also made a new bracket for the display that positions it about 1" lower and slightly in front of the top of the console.

Prying the console free is not for the timid, there is plenty of fiberglass splitting sounds and I kept checking the outside of the cabin. But if anyone wants to lower their helm I just wanted to share my experience. All and all it took me a full day with a occasional helper. The payoff is that now my old eyes can enjoy that big, beautiful display. :D

Would love to see some pictures of this.

In any case by hammering in some big screwdrivers I finally prevailed and got it apart without any damage to the outer gel coats.

Expensive? Yes! I thought about it before buying one for 2yrs. But once you have it, it's the Go-To tool. :) Fein Multimaster

http://www.amazon.com/Fein-MultiMaster- ... ultimaster

Don't be fooled by imitations....They are not half the tool this is.

Very sorry but pictures are not possible right now. For one thing although I'm active on several sites I have not took the time to learn how to post pictures. This is something I will make time for because I'm sure it is not that difficult. So pictures may be added sometime in the future but not quickly.

Meanwhile I will add that the big display does take up a lot of the helm. I have a smaller fishfinder to the right of it and between the two units there is no other room on the helm top. Even the factory compass had to be removed and I am still looking for a new location for it.

Even with lowering the MFD still looks huge and some might say odd but for me personally the benefits of the 14" display far outweigh any negatives.

I am new to this site and not familiar with all the options but if anyone wants pictures quickly they may be able to send me their cell# and I would be happy to take and send pictures from my cell.