Jersey Jim
Well-known member
The admiral brought this home for me from the grocery store. I didn't ask her to but she heard me complaining yesterday about the tough black marks that spray nine and other cleaners would not remove, This eraser sponge only needs water and then squeezed out before using. It is very soft and doesn't appear abrasive in the least. It doesn't have any cleaner or soap in it either. I'm puzzled how it works. It removes black marks like magic. It also worked on marks that wouldn't come out with cleaners, on slightly textured semi-hard surfaces. Maybe someone has used these and can offer any pros or cons to their use? I just had to share it with the group. I did a search and saw 96TL had no luck with this product on pen marks on soft vinyl, but on hard smooth surfaces it's great. No buckets, rinsing, etc. It seems to desintegrate over uses, which I prefer over the boat giving up surface material.