Mechanical to hydraulic steering conversion

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2011
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I know that some 1801 come with hydrolic steering as an option. I just bought 2001 1801 with mechanical steering and think to convert. Has anybody done it and what is involved(pain of installation, expense, negatives). Installing it would allow me to use better autopilot system.
It's a straight forward install. Removing the Manual steering cable can be a PITA. With the fact that your going to replace it, cutting the cable close to where it enters the tilttube on the motor [2in or 3in] away. This will make things much easier, as you don't have to pull that stiff end back thru the rigging tube.

Some motors have to be unbolted in order to get the cable out and flexed around enough to get it thru the rigging tube....Some boats you don't.

Cutting the cable will save you several hours of work.

Brand of hyd. steering......While Teleflex has been the most popular and you will find a lot of it out there. I've switched to U-flex...Got tired of Teleflex leaking.

Get the Full size system....Not the baby version designed for 150HP or less.

You mentioned Autopilot..... Get Ready.....That stuff is EXPENSIVE!
Do you or anybody know the part number for Teleflex. I think I will go with it due to familiarity with it from my friend's 2120. His system is 10 y old with no hiccups and we installed Raymarine 6002 with good results. What do people normally use as sealant for threads in high pressure hydraulic steering? We used recommended anaerobic white gue thingy (I forgot the name) and after it sets it is forever. Any kind of repair would be major PITA and expense.
The part # on the Ram can vary depending on the motor....It's on the Seastar site.

As to thread sealant.....Permetex High Temp thread sealant. You can get it at auto parts store.