Need a custom cover for my 2520SL?

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2007
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Does anyone know where I can find a custom cover made to fit a 2520SL? I checked a local shop and they want a small fortune to make one. I have a few Ideas I am going to post in the project section if I cant find anything pre-made. I want to be able to access the back/cabin while the cover is on but I am not concerned about driving down the road with it on. I have alot of hardware on top and a rear station but could customize the cover to accomadate these or could send someone measurements to make one. Thanks for the help!
Hi Max,

Ever hear of Fisher Canvas in NJ?
I had a cover custom made for my 1999 2520 although I guess it was semi-custom, they have plans for many many boats. I needed some tweaks here and there for additions. They will sew a zipper in it for easy access if you'd like, they are very heavy duty and mine has 8+- winters on it and still looks great. It's a breathable, heavy canvas, treated with some type of parrafin (sp?) to repel water. I do not have a photo of my particular hull under wrap, but here is a photo I had on file on this computer...looks the same and covers 99.9% of the hull. They are not cheap, but last a looooong time.

TimC2520":8cqjq3c5 said:
Hi Max,

They are not cheap, but last a looooong time.


How cheap is not cheap? Approx? My local shop wants $2500.00 for a cover like that one.
I'm not 100% sure, I think I paid $1000 8 years ago, I think I heard somewhere it's closer to $1500 now for that hull, but here is their contact info.
I'm sure if you tell them the type of boat, model # etc, then can give you a pretty good estimate. Like I said, I needed some "tweaks" for the pulpit, rocket launcher, remote spot light, etc and I also had it made to cover the outboard.

Fisher Canvas Products
415 St. Mary Street
Burlington NJ 08016
(609) 239-2733
not sure if you can do it but i had the same delima.i ended up getting a metal carport.i bought a 12 x 12 x 30 carport for less than 2k.i could not even find a cheap cover for that
I am got away from the cover idea and opted for a shelter. There is too many drawbacks for a cover and for what you get it's too much money. Every canvas shop I spoke with wanted to put tracks & snaps and all kinds of other hardware on the boat to attatch the cover and I dont want to put any more holes in the boat than needed. On top of that all that hardware can be potential hang ups for lines going off the boat. One of the things I like most about my Parker is the gunwhale is flush with nothng to get line hung on including pop up cleats.

Here is the link for the shelter I ordered. It's 2 3/8" galv pipe with canvas covering. Fully enclosed 14'W X 40'L X 16'H Total with shipping $2500.00. Pleanty of room for boat and other gear!! ... tid=999999

IMO I think the shelter is more funtional and provides better protection than a cover would by allowing the boat to breath. Also access to the boat is not restricted in any way and its much easier to park the boat in a shelter than pull a cover over it. The shelter is the choice for me. Thanks for the input I will let you guys know how the assembly goes..
I spoke with a friend who has one and his is 6 years old now and is in good shape. I asked the rep who sells them and he said if it is in the shade it will last alot longer. I am not sure what the cover would cost alone. There is another version that has a 15 year warranty but it is another $800.00. That is a good question?

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