Need help, high oil level

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2011
Reaction score
Edgemere, Maryland
I have a 2003 225 Yamaha 4 stroke with 550hrs on my 2520 XL. The oil had been changed when I bought the boat earlier this year. I have put 25 hrs on so far and alot of the hours have been trolling the past week. I checked the oil this morning and it is half way up the stick and thin, almost twice the full mark. I need help if anyone has had this happen. I am not sure if it is water or gas getting in but I think it may have a slight gas smell. I have read a little on the internet about condensation causing this but I wouldn't think water and oil would mix. there are no signs of water and it is not milky. Any help is appreciated. Thanks Mike
Thanks Brent but no I did not see any. The local Yamaha dealer thinks it a stuck thermostat, compounded by trolling for three days says causes the engine to run cold and unburnt fuel seeping past the rings. I am going to change both stats and the oil and see what happens.
had the same problem with mine.. i tried thermostat, first but the fix ended up being prop wasn't sized correctly from the start ... i was only getting 5200 rpms.. now i reach 5800.00
Thanks you. I have had the boat at WOT twice. first on the sea trial to see if it was propped right and it hit 39 MPH @ 5900 RPM
I just hope I didn't damage the motor, the oil was pretty thin when I checked it. was your motor ok afterwards
oh yea mine was full of gas. I kept changing it but it was on going for at least a month. I don't think youll have any damage.
Thanks,I sure hope so, Hard to beleive you have the potential to wipe a motor just on low operating temp. I am going to look into better gauges, the smart gauges just have alarms. It would be nice to have a temperature and oil pressure gauge, not sure if its offered but I will ask when I get to the yamaha dealer tonight to pickup the new stats. I have had 2-strokes before but this is my first dealings with a 4-stroke
Tip, never change a Yam thermostat without inspecting and/or replacing the poppit if needed.
Just a follow up.... I removed the stats and both were extremely corroded and not functioning. one was not closed all the way and the other was stuck wide open. I replaced them both, changed the oil and marked the dip stick. The boat runs great, I have put about 5 hrs on it and so far all is good. I checked the owners manual and stats are on the maintenace list to inspect ever 100 hrs
I did not inspect the poppet valves, I asked the mechanic where I bought the parts about it and he kinda blew me off by saying don't worry about it,its running cold not hot and its only a problem on 2-strokes. Well I did not like that answer at all. I have been looking on line to try and find out what it looks like and the location so I can either inspect or replace them but I have not have much luck. I have found out what they do so if they control water flow and can get corroded they most likely are. can you possibly point me in the right direction. I plan on working on it again this weekend I want to change the oil again to get any gasoline residue out
thank you I will pick one up and get it replaced for a peice of mind. since I am new to this 225 yamaha any other maintenance suggestions would be appreciated. when I bought the boat I had oil changed, fuel filters replaced, compression leak down, impeller replaced, new spark plugs, hydrolic steering fluids checked, never even thought about thermostats and pressure valves
Lower unit fluid needs to be changed if not already.
I would changed the F shaped filter by VST and inside of the VST, there is another filter on the high pump. The VST o ring needs to be replaced
The one on the pump can clog due build-up. I keep a spare on hand, too Inspect the fuel line from tank to OB and replace if needed.
Check the battery cable is firmed attached to the OB and battery and discard battery wing nuts
My OB had a exhaust corrosion issues and required a major repair. With the lower unit off, it can be scoped and inspected
If someone has YDS software, they can pull OB computer data and it print it out for you. It scans the system and also show of number of hour the OB has spent at different rpm


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