Need some Non Slip Deck Paint recommendations.

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2014
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Annapolis, MD
After installing the new fuel tank and glassing in and sanding smooth the piece of decking that was removed it's time to paint. I'd like to get some recommendations for non slip deck paint and a reason you are recommending it. I am pretty much in the dark on the subject. I keep hearing mostly good but some bad about KiwiGrip. Anyhow, Your thoughts are much appreciated.
I've used Awlgrip Rolled on with Great sucess...I use Restolum anti skid it it...@ 1/2 ratio.

It's a small blue & white can....It says to dump all the contents into 1 qt.....Don't do that...Use 1/2of it in a qt. Get it @ Lowes.

Use a West System roller cover. It has to be epoxy compatible roller cover....and you want a 1/8in foam style.

This will give you a finish that is slightly corse at first.....a few scrubbings and it perfect.
Great traction and not harsh on knees or bare feet.
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I’m a big fan of Durabak.
I’ve used on 4 different boats. Including my 21SE.

It’s similar to a roll on truck liner but designed for marine use. Can’t recommend it enough.
I’ve done three boats with interlux primekote as a primmer that is high build, then two coats of interlux perfection with interlux non skid mix in. I’ve gone 7 years on the first boat and it’s held up. Prep is everything, be very clean and start rolling around 10 am on a clear warm and not windy day to avoid blush.