New member with 2120 / 2320 questions.

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Active member
Oct 24, 2008
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Suffolk Va.
Let me start by saying that I have been lurking here for awhile and really enjoy the site. My name is Roger and my wife and I live on the water in Suffolk Va. We currently own a Hydra Sport 21cc that we keep on a lift , but are thinking about getting something with some protection from the elements. We have narrowed our choices down to 3 boats , a 2120 , 2320 , or a Grady 22 Seafarer, (the Grady is my wifes favorite) . We mostly fish and both look foreward to striper season, but middle age seems to make the air and occasional spray over the gunnels much colder than it used to be! Anyway I am hoping you guys can help answer some of the questions I have regarding the Parkers, firstly do you feel that a 150f is enough HP for the 2120 ? Second , is there much difference in ride quality between the two (2120/2320) and are they reasonably stable at anchor? Lastly I have seen alot of posts concerning whether or not the cabin is hot in the summer (apparently not) but I wonder If the windows will fog up on a cold morning with two or three people inside? Any response will be greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance.

Welcome aboard to ClassicParker !

I can't speak to the rides of those models, but will all that the 150 Yummie is suppposed to be heck of motor for only a 150hp rating!

rogerf":e7euij30 said:
Lastly I have seen alot of posts concerning whether or not the cabin is hot in the summer (apparently not)
Not at all ... cooler than the outside!

I wonder If the windows will fog up on a cold morning with two or three people inside?
I put some de-fog solvent made specifically for INSIDE window use and I don't have that problems. Before using it, it was never a major issue, at least on my boat. You can vent the windows or leave them cracked a touch.
Thanks for the quick response Dale, the fogging issue is my main concern and I'm glad to hear that its not bad. I havent been out on a Parker Sport Cabin but checking them out at the dealer it seems your visibility is limited to start with, throw in some foggy windows and things could get intresting!
Dear Rodger;

I have the 2120 dual station, bow pulpit 150 yammie 4 stroke. With the reliance prop this boat is awsome! My friend has the grady 20' overnighter with a 2 stroke 200 hp johnson.

He tells me no contest between the 2. He loves my parker so does my wife & grandkids. This boat is for fishing we go out of somers point nj
& just love this boat.

Hope this helps!


P.S. Great On Gas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks bean, Good to hear the "great on gas" , thats one of the reasons we are considering the 2120 as its about 35 miles one way to the CBBT from our dock.
I live near the James River and grew up on the bay. I bought a Parker 2120 in 2006. It is by far the best boat I have ever owned and I have own a lot of makes including a GradyWhite. The sturdy construction and pure functionality of the 2120 is unreal.
I owned a 2120SC for 4 yrs and traded up to a 2320 with the 225 4-stroke. 2120 is a much more nimble boat - easier to maneuver in a tight marina. The 2320 is really roomy - more so than you would think for a two-foot difference, but with the motor out on a bracket, the cockpit is much bigger. The ride in the 2320 is rougher because you are sitting relatively farther forward, but you get used to it. The cabin is not hot - on a 95 degree day, it's a comfortable haven. The windows do fog on a cool morning, but, like Dale says, there are chemical solutions to that problem.
Welcome to the site Roger. Great group here.

I have the same concern, and this will be my first fall fishing the Parker.

Thanks for the great info here.

This is from the trahman's wife..

the 2320 SL which we bought is an awsome boat. Parker is an easy boat to clean no frills whihc to me is very important. 2320 has a deep Vee bottom which cuts thru the water (Chesapeake Bay) much better then the modified vee. ( Do not know what kind of vee the 2120 has. However, when you drift the deep veed is a little bit more rolling boat then the modified vee.. When you sit in the back of the boat in the boating chairs you are for an awsome ride. Steady. I get a bit seasick so When I am in the cabin on a choppy day I try not to look down, otherwise the cabin is great and with the windows open on a hot day it feels very cool. We have decided on the cabin because one day at our dealer (nice 95 humid day) we went inside the cabin of the 2320 whihc was sitting in a hot parking lot and the cabin was much cooler than the outside. White roof reflects. Go for the 225 HP on 2320 you can take regular gas versus premium for the 250 HP. Your biggest decison should be the type of vehicle you pull the boat with. Fully loaded with a full tank of gas , engine and your trailer you will be probably pulling about 7500+ lbs. I have a King Rang 150 short bed 17" tires 4x4 and V8 and we feel the weight. I feel the difference in pulling when the boat is not full of gas. I gallon = 8 lbs per gallon. If you have any other questions private message us. trashman's wife