new to me 2520 parker pilothouse

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Jun 11, 2011
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hello all I'm looking into a 2003 2520 modified vee hull parker with a 225 Yamaha,, any comments, anything to look out for all looks good boat is in Florida and I'll be towing it up to NY.
What Brent said.
Drop the lower unit and have thr exhaust scoped.2003 is a prime year for the 4 strokes to have the exhaust corrosion problem.
Thanks for the info. How would I be able to tell if its a deep vee or modified vee??
makotime":djgkyyxd said:
How would I be able to tell if its a deep vee or modified vee??
1 lifting strake = mod-V (14-degrees or 16-degees if an XL model)

2 lifting strakes = deep-V (21-degrees)
well they did a survey and Thank God they did, and the engine a 2003 225 hp Yamaha came up lame the exhaust housing corroded bad the deal fell thru..The dealer actually didn't want to sell it as it was and refunded our deposit. so the seach continues.. found a 23 ft pilothouse needing a engine..i know a 250 hp is way to go but since I have a option of what motor to put on it what do you guys recommed Yamaha,Evinrude,Suzki ....2 or 4 stroke.. boat is prerigged with Yamaha harness..and the 2320 is that a deep vee or mod??
TimC2520":3sl2mna1 said:
If that's the only thing the survey revealed and you like the boat, I'd negotiate the repair bill.

I have to agree.
That motor is repairable and updated parts for the job are available from Yamaha.
The 2520 cockpit is also much larger than the 23. Not only is it 2' longer, but it is 1' wider.
The 2520 cockpit is ~100 sq ft, though the XL is a bit less due to the larger cabin.

As for the 2320, if it is already rigged for Yamaha power, that does make a re-power with another Yamaha a bit more affordable unless your new motor is a fly-by-wire model.

We have members here with Yamaha, Suzuki, E-Tec, and Honda.
All are good motors, but the deciding factor for most of us is local service.
Finding a reliable shop that services the brand of your choice is key.
I agree also.....figure a New Suzuki....

The more I work on Big Yamaha's.....The More I Love my Suzuki. :)

2stroke? Once you go 4 stroke, You'll throw rocks at a 2 stroke...Plus you gain valuable space on the boat by getting rid of the oil tank.
FWIW, I would not shy to far away from it either as long as the motor doesn't have a ton of hours on it. The corrosion issue is a pretty common on the 2003 2004 models, and the fix is a pretty solid one.. Last fall I had my 2004 225 in for servicing @ 1000 hrs and they noticed the exhaust was pretty bad. I had the exhaust replaced, new timing belt, water pump and oil pressure sending unit replaced and the bill was $3,100.00. I would imagine that he wanted to let you out of the deal so they could make the repairs, raise the price and try to re-coupe the loss. Parkers don't sit for long. Good luck Mike
... just remember that the big Yummie OBs only produced the labeled hirspeoower when running high octane fuel.

All OBs automatically lose 10% efficiency/performance if and when running ethanol-based E10 fuel. Figure on yet another loss when not running high test and your Yam 250 maybe a 210hp motor in performance ...
The 23 is nice but the 25 is better. See what the dealer will do for you on the 2520 with a NEW motor. You can get a little more horsepower too.