pedastal seat and storage box mount ???'s

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Feb 22, 2013
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a friend has a 2510 dvwa. the pedastal seats atop the mounting boxes seems to me to be about the biggest waste of space and inefficient use of space i can imagine. my question is has anyone modified their seat situation in any way other than the pedastal atop the boxes? pics?
I have been thinking about the same thing on my 2310. There is a website. or something like that. They have some nice boxes with lots of storage with seats on them. I imagine it will have to be custom made for me anyway due to lack of space between the fishbox in the floor and the side. That is why I haven't done anything yet because I know it is going to cost a pretty penny. I emailed the design company and asked them just for some dimensions and they wanted me to call them. If you come up with anything, please post it because I would be interested. Good luck.