Raymarine Dragonfly feedback please.

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Active member
May 30, 2010
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Hey Guys, I posted this on the Electronics Board a few days ago and got no response. It's decision time as I'm going out to the Shelf next week off St. Augustine and I want to put a new sonar on before then. So I hope you don't mind me re-posting it here to reach a wider audience. Any response, even reliable second hand info will be appreciated. Thanks.

Has anybode heard any reliable feedback on the new CHIRP Firefly Sonar/GPS unit? I have heard all the hype and initial reviews. Raymarine was supposed to start shipping them a couple of weeks ago, anybody have any real-world experience to share? Looks very interesting and more than reasonably priced, but I've been burned before.. Would appreciate any input as I need to replace my badly outdated Raymarine depth finder on my '01 and a backup Plotter on my '01 2520SC and the $700 price is very attractive.

"Every ounce of pleasure has a drop of pain. Pay for your ticket and don't complain." B. Dylan, Sylvio.