Rough ride, Leaking windshields

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May 18, 2008
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Tried to go fishing one last time last Thursday,weatherman said 2-3ft seas calming to 1-2 in the pm yea right. We made it out 20 miles from the mouth of the Merrimack river and the wind doubled found myself in 4-5ft seas. Attempted to head back hit the first wave and the boat felt like she went totally vertical and then slammed back down I have never seen my bowrail disapear before, a foot of water rolled on to my windshields,decided to run paralell with the waves to Cape Ann and hug the coast line in. 3 1/2hrs later we were at the dock.Very impressed with the Parkers handling running in the valley of the waves even at 14 kts. Anyone have issues with leaking windshields? Mine leaked bad.
someone recently had an issue. took it back to the dealer and they recaulked the seam around it. Or is it leaking where the gasket is? You can put some silicone or vaseline on that if thats leaking.
Any opening windshields will leak some when you are dumping enough water on them. Keep the seals clean and dont over tighten them will help them stay drier longer. (overtightening breaks down the seals over time).
I have a 1998 and even my fixed Windshield on the passenger side leaks in very rough seas. I think the components of the Window assembly need to be taken apart and re-seated/re-sealed every 8-10 years.
You can try this. Open windshield and clean gasket, frame and dry completely. Fill two 5 gallon buckets with water and have someone dump it on the windshield while you sit inside and see where the water is coming in. You can even use a chalk pencil to mark the gasket around the windshield to help identify exactly where the water is intruding. Trace the water back and look at the seals to see where they are wet. If the seals are dry the outer casing needs to be resealed. To properly seal the windshield you need to remove it, remove old putty and lay a new bed. Reinstall and for extra measure clean any putty that squirts out and seal frame to boat with good caulk/silicone. If it leaks through the seal than the seals are compressed and need replacing. If the seals are just not cutting it than I would add another seal with some good rubber weather stripping. Good luck hope this helps.
Thank you Maxout, I have replaced the gaskets, I called the window manufacturer and the sent me enough to do 4 windows they still leak. I have the boat for sale so I will have to consider removing them as you mentioned.
Water up the trunk cabin forced that water in from the bottom of the frame too, as well as from all sides. I too once had water hitting my cabin top :shock: , but extremely glad to report the windows on my '92 vintage SC were still waterproof.

P.S. - Make SURE to dog all windows closed in rough seas ...

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