Sea Star rebuild

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2014
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I want to try and flush out my sea star steering and want to know what to do. The helm almost seems a bit rusty inside probably due to the saltwater getting in somehow. None the less, I want to evaluate and take the proper steps to correct the steering on my boat. It "skips" while turning the wheel but not bad and always have to correct the steering while underway. I replaced the seals on the ram last season and have no leaks but I have never owned a boat that did this. Any advice?
Just an uneducated guess, but I just helped my Nephew install a Sea Star hydro steering system on his boat. Filling the thing was a bit rough, but we worked and worked it until we got any air out. They made it clear to us any air in the system could cause skiping and other problems. Not sure if this helps or not, but sense we just went through installing a system thought I would pass on. Maybe you need to drain, bleed the system and refill it. Good luck!
I rebuilt mine 2 years ago with a kit I ordered from them and following directions and video from their website. It wasn't that bad at all. Very thorough.
I spoke to sea star and they recommended flushing it with ATF fluid then replacing it with sea star fluid at 22 bucks for a quart x2.