Seastar steering ?

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2006
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Sol Cal
I know it is in here and searched, I need to replace my seals on the sea star steering, looking for purging tips, I've seen it, but can not find, can someone steer me in the correct direction !
tara11":24urpsbr said:
I know it is in here and searched, I need to replace my seals on the sea star steering, looking for purging tips, I've seen it, but can not find, can someone steer me in the correct direction !

Try a search on both the terms 'seastar' and 'bleed', under my username, and you'll get the info you need.
I contacted Sea Star, at first I thought I was going to have a problem, but they are sending me a new unit for the steering, the part that the seals go into, it looks easy to replace, but once I have it I am sure I will have questions, just remove the two hoses and unbolt and install everything and bleed and away we go, they were very cool, it was just the paperwork that took time !
Just an FYI, I went to Home Depot, got a T-shut off and 3/8 clear tubing, all was less than $10.00, waiting for the new Part from Sea Star, but looks like my son and I should be able to bleed with little problems, thanks Dale !