second station operation question

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Jul 22, 2014
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Hey folks, I have questions regarding second station operation.
Is operation of either station as easy making sure the both stations are in neutral/ no throttle and then use any station you wish, just engage controls and steer?
Yes, but there can be a little more to it than that.....It depends on the system you have.

As you explained it.... That would be the way it works for all mechanical controls.

If you have Fly-By-Wire / electronic controls then it's only slightly different.

With electronic there is a button at each station to select that station. By default when the motor is started the main/Lower station receives the command without pushing the button.

If I go to the 2nd station and with motor in neutral I push "Station Select" at that station and it gives me control there.

Either system still uses Hyd steering. So technically you can have the boat in gear at either station and still steer it from the opposite station. Which ever helm pump is being moved /Steered it will feed input to the steering.

This is a pix of the Suzuki Station select: It has 3 button on it. [Top] START/STOP [Middle] STATION SELECT [Bottom] NEUTRAL WARMUP

Another note about Suzuki....The control handle itself is shorter than a normal control that you are use to. It gives the feel of a Short throw shifter in a Hot Rod.

Now the dangerous part.

Due to the fact that cable setup is all daisy chained together. If someone that is not driving and playing around at the other station and falls into the controls, it transfers that input to the motor.
FWIW my boat has 3 control stations daisy-chained together and use Morse twin-SR controls and Teleflex Xtreme cables. There is SO LITTLE resistance from these parts, that I actually had to ADD braking to the main helm, as that is the one that needs to click into 'neutral' for the only start-in-gear feature.
Using the "Right" cables helps with that. That is why I always recommend Teleflex X-Treme cables.