Steering Problem

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
Broadkill Beach Delaware
Finally had the opportunity to splash the boat Monday. Upon launch I had absolutely no steering. As I posted before, this was a concern that I had as at the end of the season last year it would take a few seconds to pick up, but always did. I have picked up the SeaStar hydraulic fluid HA5430 as recommended. I read through the manual, but don't want to miss anything as I will be working to correct the problem this afternoon. I don't notice any leaks under the console. I do have some crud(not much) around rear seals which may mean the fluid leaked in the rear. My plan would be to keep a close eye on that and have it checked at the next service. My concern is that when adding the fluid I am to turn the wheel back and forth to work air out of the lines. Since it currently will not turn at all, will it begin to turn when i add the fluid? Any advice is appreciated.
You most likely have bad seal back on the ram. When adding the fluid and turning the wheel back n forth if the seals are good you should start to regain steering.
Mine are starting to go bad I notice every once in a while a small drip on my bracket. If you are needing to add fluid often you definitely have a problem somewhere.
Depending on how much air is in there, you may have to bleed it.

2 man operation unless you have a power bleeder.
Thanks guys. I was surprised at how little fluid it took. I did bleed it as well. Looking forward to giving it another shot over the weekend. The steering picked up right away. I stared long and hard as turning the wheel back and forth and saw no leaking, so maybe the seals are going to be ok. I was concerned with the heat in Delaware today and knowing the boat is in the sun, having filled the hydraulic fluid if there would be expansion?? I leftt rags wrapped around the helm and the purge valves in the stern in case. Thanks Again.