Trailer set up help

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Aug 22, 2021
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Just bought a 1996 2310 with no trailer. I am picking up a trailer but need to set the bunks to fit the parker hull. The boat is in the water now and for at least until the end of October. If anybody has a trailer set up for a 2310 and could take some measurements it would be extremely helpful. Thanks
Thank you Tom C. Fir some reason I cannot open your pdf. I did get some good hull geometry e mailed to me from parker.which I will post (if I can figure out how) But the Bunk placement has me concerned. Should I shoot for the flat spot at the chine or move the bunks outboard more and try to go under the rear stringers. I have looked at scores of professional and other setups and they are all different.
Here’s the hull trailer info from parker for the 1996 2310 WA.DV. Interesting that the dead rise is 19 degrees. I was under the impression that it was 21 degrees. And the other surprise is the transom to bow hook measurement of 24’. Maybe somebody would find this info helpful.


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My bad I should have put my reading glasses on. The transom to bow eye is 240 inches (20 feet).
Placement will depend on the type of bunk trailer you have. Some have keel bunks some dont.
Mine has only 2 long bunks which are positioned inside the strakes and runs back to support the transome as well.
You want to support the boat as close to the stringers as you can on either side of the strakes.
Do a search for more detailed setup for your trailer type.