I know this has been discussed in depth, but none on my type of set up I do not think, I have the 2520XL, with a Armstrong bracket with twin motors, now I have tabs that are recessed under the boat and stick out about 2 3/4 inches past the back of the boat, my tabs are 14 inches wide by 10 inches deep, I want bigger tabs, but do not know how much bigger I can put on , probably i can remove the ones I have, fill in the recess gap with something like starboard, mount the new ones right off the back of the transom, but how wide can I go, as I do not want the motors and the tabs to fight each other, does this make any sense ? I have Lenco, so probably I would just by the new ones from lenco and keep the thing that makes them go in and out, as I have the deluxe set up with auto retract and the pretty colored control at the helm, any advise from anyone !