I have a "new to me” 1991 Parker 2510 MV with a bracket, moved up from a 1994 2110. Really love the boat and very happy with my choice. The only issue I'm having is related to the storage lockers that the helm and passenger seats sit on. For some reason I'm getting a significant amount of water accumulation in them. I've shop vac'd out all the water and hitting them with a hose but can't seem to locate and leaks. Not sure if this could just be condensation or something else. Did a quick search on the topic but was unable to locate any old posts. Anyone else encounter this issue? Anyone have any ideas on what could be causing this? I'm going to install drains in both but figured I'd ask. Even with the drains I think they will always be damp if I don't correct the source. I'm also thinking of installing some sort of vent but I'm not sure when I get to that.