Water stains above bottom paint removal?

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Mt Sinai, Long Island
Got some brown waterstains above my bottom paint waterline. Wondering what product is good at removing them. Gonna raise my bottom paint this year as well to minimize this.
"Mary Kate On and Off"....It's an acid, but but user friendly. Most boat supply stores carry it. I usually brush it on with a paint brush, work it in, and then rinse off with a water hose. You can also put it in an agricultural pump sprayer to apply. Just remember to rewax the area you cleaned.
I have used MK On and Off too. I just couldn't remember the name of it when I posted the first time. Works great too!!! 8)
I use Sno Bowl toilet cleaner...You can get it at Walmart for under $2.00 and it basically is a 15% hydrochloric acid solution. It works really fast so be careful when applying. I put it straight into a spray bottle, wet the boat, spray directly on the stain and use either a terry cloth rag or one of those green scrubby pads (depends on how old and stubborn the stain is) and wipe it off. You may let it soak for a minute, just test it out. Once the stain is gone rinse thoroughly with water. Make sure you get all of it off the boat and trailer. If it drips on your galvanized trailer you will see an immediate reaction producing hydrogen gas and you will smell it also. I always wet my trailer down good before so it dilutes the concentration of acid. You may also notice slight running of your bottom paint where you are scrubbing but I think that is going to occur regardless of what you spray and scrub the stain with. I would advise once you strip the stain from the hull to wash well and apply a good wax to that area so the future removable of discolorations in the gelcoat will be easier. Good Luck!!