What length trolling motor bow mount for 1801

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The rule of thumb is to measure from the deck to water surface and add 20 inches. You can get by with less in the water but TM will cavitate in the chop.
hmm, the motor would be mounted on the bow, should i measure from there? if so there is not a motor available that kind of length.
Yes, you should measure at the bow.

I have a 60" MinKota riptide that I plan to mount on my boat. The bow rail has to go and be replaced with some low side rails. I have two dog bone mounts so I can switch between the duck boat and the Parker.

Your 54" will probably need to be run down almost to the head to work. If you can get the motor 12" under the surface, it should work provided you stay in the bow area.

Is it 12, 24 or 36V?
I'd go with with at least a 60" shaft if it were me. That's what I am looking at for my 21SE and I suspect the distance from the deck to the waterline is aboutt the same.
I have a 60" Motor Guide on my Parker 21SE and it is works great. A 54" may work on your Parker 18' but you should check on the free board difference between the 18' and 21'.
I have a bow mounted MinnKota on my 1800. I don't know the shaft length, I'll measure tomorrow. The shaft is a long one, and I like that. When there are waves or chop, it stays in the water. If the waves are too high, I don't want to be using it anyway. Time for the outboard.

The amount of shaft below the bow is adjustable on mine. If I was buying one with an adjustable shaft, I'd get the longest one I could.