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Active member
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
North Shore MA
Heading out tomorrow to check out a 2004 2520XL. If we decide to go ahead with purchasing of course we will get a survey done. That said is there anything I should look for that may be a red flag? Are there any common issues from that year or to 2520XLs in general?
Thanks, Mark
just use common sense and listen to your gut. This is very basic tire kicking stuff but will give you enough to move on or not with out posting a very long thread.
Is wiring neat and tidy, any plumbing should also look neat and tidy, take a flash light and rag !!!
pull all hatches, doors, ... go over every inch( show the owner the light and rag and tell the owner your gonna need time and really look at the boat, his/her answer here will be really telling) and then open her up ,really look in there with the light.
Ask the owner what they added on... then ask how they did it, simple slapped it in vs. multi step process the correct way? How is it stored? full of leaves, mud or in decent covered shape.
If these basics seem OK, then go for more thorough.
Hi Poeg
Thanks for the reply. We actually looked at the boat a couple of weeks ago. Had the engine surveyed yesterday and have our official survey and sea trial this week. The boat appeared to be good condition. Used and dirty but not abused and dirt only from sitting out of the water for a season. I was really asking for any known issues about Parkers that might be a red flag to not go forward with the $$$ spent on a surveyor. I did open all the hatches that were accessible and crawled all over the vessel. if all goes well this week I'll have some pictures and an official new member thread.
