winterizing / fuel question

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2014
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Somewhat new to this site....addicted real bad very quickly and tons of great info here. Anyways I had always thought that storing a boat over the winter months in New England was better with a full tank of fuel. After reading a few older posts that seems to be the opposite of what I should be doing. The thought was less condensation in the tank with it full rather than being practically empty. Anyone knowledgeable on this with the fuel we have today.

I think myself it is better to fill your tank leave a little room for expansion and contraction
I run Ring free and Marine stabile all year and will be putting in the new Stable 360 marine
And I'd go just the opposite. :)

It doesn't take that long ..[30days] for fuel to lose it's octane value. I'd rather put Fresh fuel in it.
I store mine full I have the luxry of having NO Eathnol 89 at the marina. I use ring free and the non E is blended with Valv Tech. I have never had a problem using this, gas cost $3.85=$4.50 gal depends on the market. I feel the price is not to bad considering the V Tech is already blended in. I will go through 4-700gal a season never find anything in filters. I dumped fuel from filters into a 1qt mason jar let it sit from Nov to April was not a trace of anything but pure gas in jar. I know most boaters in my area at least fill 3/4 for storage.
Thanks guys I have not had a problem storing it or other boats full. Just different opinions I guess. But always use Ring Free all season then the Stabilizer over the winter. Actually uncovered and washed it today! I will post a few pics soon and cant wait to get out.
The whole full, or almost empty debate has raged for eons... or almost so.
Ford vs Chevy? Beer vs wine? Parker vs Grady... ok............ let's not get stupid, ya know? :D

Do what makes you feel good, and what works for you.
I have tried both, and I haven't seen a difference either way.
Full or almost empty, it has been the same result every time.

But... whenever I fill up I always add StBil, RingFree, and Star*Tron at 1 ounce per 10 gallons whenever I fill up.
Why? Because it has worked for me since I've been doing it.

Do what makes you feel good and have fun.
I empty my tanks as far as I can then I tape a light duty plastic bag over the fuel vent on the side of the boat. You should see how much water is in the bag by spring. Just some that I learned from a friend.
I believe those that leave tanks full have been lucky to date, as it isn't a matter of IF you will have a problem, but WHEN ... and you don't get to choose the when.

Every season I'll know of or hear about 2 or 3 who had issues during Spring commissioning and all left tanks full ... your mileage may vary!