Yamaha Fuel primer bulbs (pumps)

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Any of the OEM units are better than the aftermarket. In fact some of the aftermarket units were defective when brand new.
FWIW if you are talking about the in-line fuel PRIMER bulb, then the best one made is that by OMC/Bombardier. So much so that the MErcury racing team uses them. Somewhere on-line there is a cut-away series of photos showing the primer bulb by all makes, and the OMC design is clearly superior.

That said, if/when using a 4-stroke, you can use whatever OEM came on the boat, as you rarely, if ever, have to prime the engine. Just don't buy a Tempo or Moeller primer bulb and attempt to use it reliably on a V4 to V6 motor! It would be fine on a smaller OB - that's it.

Friends don't let friends buy junk!
The Bomb part# for the 3/8" primer bulb is 5008586, should be $24 or less, maybe $22 w/ free shipping on eBay.
Good point Dale, I just realized I never squeeze the bulb in my 4 stroke, only after fuel/water sep filter change.
When I had 2 strokes, yes OMC bulbs were the ticket.
Need to order a new bulb. Are all the fuel lines leading from tank to motor 3/8? I see this bulb is 3/8 - I want to make sure I get the correct size.
Seems the line from the tank to fuel separator is slightly larger than the line from fuel separator through bulb to motor. Once internal at the motor, I see the line is 5/16 - guess it makes sense the diameter tapers as you get closer to the motor.

Thanks for your help,
Typically lines should be 3/8" to the motor on any V4 and above OB.