Recent content by atcbill

Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. atcbill

    3d printed items for the boat?

    I started on the latches and then got distracted on another project. I will get on them again this week. I will share the files when I get done.
  2. atcbill

    Sea Keeper Ride System

    Lazycuda are you from Gasparilla Island? I’m in Punta Gorda. Where did you have the A/C installed? I’m thinking of doing the same on mine. Looking at the Bluecool-S series.
  3. atcbill

    Rust on Trim Tab

    I second Andy's reply. I have zincs on both of my tabs. I didn't have them initially but when I had the boat in a marina for a bit, I noticed "rust" colored stains starting on the tabs. Cleaned them off and added the zincs and they never came back.
  4. atcbill

    Sold 2018 Parker 2320 SL DV Fore Sale $69,900 217 hours

    That is for sure. Good luck with the sale.
  5. atcbill

    Does anyone have Parker gel coat for sale ?

    Cecil Marine still has some. That's where I got mine and it matched perfectly. Classic White with wax, 2012 and older. If you look close at pic when you select, it says 1989-2010 models.
  6. atcbill

    Washdown hose holder

    Here’s a link to his profile.
  7. atcbill

    Washdown hose holder

    Did you get that from Mike Conley on the Facebook Parker page? I purchased one a few weeks back for mine. Looks great and quality workmanship.
  8. atcbill

    Parker 2520 Wiring Diagram

    Try here. The 2520 is at the bottom of the page.
  9. atcbill

    2004 1801 Scupper flaps

    I've gotten a few of my Parker parts from these two places. They might be here: or here
  10. atcbill

    Long Beach, CA based 2007 21se

    Yes that's the one. They could almost be twin bridges.
  11. atcbill

    Long Beach, CA based 2007 21se

    Nice setup. That looks like the bridge over to the MCRD area. I used to keep my 2830 at Harbor Island West.
  12. atcbill


    I run a household dehumidifier 24/7 and have 2 small marine countertop fans running when the boat is not in use. I also use one of these every couple months for good measure: UV Light Sanitizer For what you have now I would use some RMR-86M Marine Stain Remover. Powerful stuff. Use well ventilated.
  13. atcbill

    New to me 2006 2530 Parker twin Yamahas

    Congrats on the new boat. What area/port will you be running it from? Look forward to seeing more pics.
  14. atcbill

    What subscriptions/services do you have related to your boat?

    BoatUS towing, Garmin Navionics Vision+, Active Captain, MyRadar app, Windy app, and Navionics Boating/Chart app, Fusion app for stereo control.
  15. atcbill

    Parker Logo Rod Holders

    Cecil Marine has them. (and a lot of other Parker parts): PARKER LOGO S/S ROD HOLDER - 2017 AND NEWER *In Stock & Ready To Ship! So is Great Lakes Skipper: